My official song of the day yesterday was “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now.”
I’m ever-so-slightly better today. My conscious-to-nonconscious hours ratio is up. I ate a little bit of actual food. I don’t seem to be running a fever. So yeah, life is, uh, manageable.
I felt terrible about having to call in sick yesterday, but there was no earthly way I was going to be able to work. I got up to call in, and sitting upright was an effort. I started weeping uncontrollably for no apparent reason. And I suspect that the thermometer I was using was broken, because it stopped at 100.8, and there’s no way my temperature was that low. (I checked it again later, when I’m sure it was much lower, and it still said 100.8).
On the up side, this doesn’t seem to be hitting me quite as hard as it did Rand. He had the fever-chills thing going on for several days. I seem to have escaped with one.
Thanks for the well-wishes. Hope to be back to normal soon!
Thanks for that great song