I typed a rather long post this morning, and it is gone…I actually don’t think it’s blogger’s fault this time, though. There seemed to be an internet issue here at work. So grr…and grr to me for not copying it somewhere else.
I received an interesting message this morning…one of my high school friends is finally making it official with her longtime live-in boyfriend. Small ceremony, with a party to follow sometime this summer. Congrats to them!
Traffic school was uneventful. I don’t even have any good stories. We finished at 3, and I found out that I do get the insurance discount. Woohoo!
Saturday night, Rand and I went to Nietzsche’s to see Greg Klyma along with Tom Stahl and Anais Mitchell. I’d already seen/heard enough of Greg’s stuff to know that I’d enjoy him (which I did, very much!), but I had no idea how much I’d like Anais. She’s got kind of an Ani vibe. I liked her so much that I was going to buy her CD, but then Rand bought it for me. 🙂 Afterwards, we had a late night snack with Greg and Anais at Towne. I had some sinfully delicious chocolate sundae cheesecake, which Greg and Anais graciously helped me finish. 😉
There was more, but it wasn’t all that important…