Being a Catholic reporter=good blog fodder

The letters to the editor going in our next issue are the most annoying things I’ve ever read. I’m not kidding.

“Do we want our children thinking same sex ‘marriages’ are OK, and the possibility of more and more children growing up to be homosexuals?”

Oh my God. I’ve been over and over this one. Just shut UP, stupid person.

And then there’s three about abortion and the election. (I’d better be careful here. I may be excommunicated) Okay, first off, the way that pro-lifers paint anyone not violently opposed to abortion (no, wait, that’s wrong…not violently opposed to LAWS which allow abortion) as “pro abortion” or “pro death” is ridiculous. How many people do you know who love the idea of abortion? who say “yeah, let’s kill babies. it’s great!”

Why is it that so many people see fit to appoint themselves judges of the moral fiber of society?

[Jesus wail]If your slate is clean then you can throw stones…[/Jesus wail]

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