O happy day!

I’m going to throw up.

But in a good way. 😉

I am working at a silly temp job…filling in while someone is on vacation for a few days, working reception. I got here, logged on to check my emails. I have my primary account, and two gmail accounts. One gmail account is for blogstuff, the other for work/teaching related stuff.

In the second gmail account, I had this message from the fiction editor at Woman’s World:

I just got back an approval on your very touching romance, “A Mother Knows.” Congratulations!

I’ll get the contract in the mail today, but in the meantime, can you email me the text as soon as possible? I’m putting it in issue 37 (on-sale date September 6), which I’m working on this week and would like to get started on the story before the long weekend.

I keep reading it, over and over and over again. Is it real? I think it is. 🙂


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