I’ve been thinking about dumping backblog for a while now, and I think the weird thing that happened yesterday about solidifies it.
I’ve been told by several people that they frequently are unable to access my comments at all. Then yesterday, I had two comments up and disappear on me.
I have the “pro” account, which means all comments are emailed to me. I also have the ability to delete comments, but I’ve only ever deleted comments of a nasty/abusive nature.
I saw the two comments in question in my email. I never went to look at them on the blog itself, but I know that a couple of other people saw them. When I checked later, they were gone. Poof.
So do I dump backblog? If I dump backblog, do I just use blogger comments? And do I write to backblog asking for my $10 back? (the cost of a backblog pro subscription for a year…)