Warm fuzzies

I�ve never had an easy time meeting people, making new friends. I guess that�s why I have a habit of surrounding myself with people who do. Recently, I�ve been thinking in particular about both Rand and Jen, and of all the amazing people who are in my life because of them.

Of course, Jen and I were in college at the same time, and had a lot of friends in common, but there are a bunch of people who I never would have gotten to know because of her.

First, of course, her brother and his lovely wife.

And because of Tim, we got to know his best friend Paul, who spent many a day of his freshman year at Allegheny hanging out at our house my senior year. And through Paul, his lovely wife Trisha.

After I graduated, Jen became very close with Rachel and Stephanie, who I now feel lucky to count among my friends.

Rachel�s husband Brian was a friend of Jen�s ex.

It was also Jen�s friendships with Tracy and Susan that brought both of them closer into my life.

Not to mention all of the wonderful Buffalo bloggers!

And in just the past year and a half, Rand has brought so many amazing, talented people into my life. There�s Adam, his college friend and music partner (check out his Amazing Me program!). *be warned…lots of music and flashy things at his site*

And of course Debbie, along with Allison and Jodi.

Dave Huth, John, Thomas, Greg Klyma, Lady Turpentine, Celia, Joe and Carla, Michelle and Tony�not to mention his brothers�and I could go on and on and on�

Both of them have enriched my life musically as well.

Without Jen, I wouldn�t know Lowest of the Low, Great Big Sea or Carbon Leaf, easily three of my most favorite bands in the world.

Rand has brought me his own music, the music of his friends, and has also introduced me to many lesser-known but wonderfully talented artists like Jim Boggia, Jill Sobule, Einstein�s Sister and the Shins.

So the point of this post is just to say thank you to both of you. My life is better, richer and fuller for knowing you. I love you!

3 thoughts on “Warm fuzzies

  1. *blush*

    I’m *so* glad that we all had time at GaFilk to actually just sit around and talk. (Well, they mostly did the talking, didn’t they?) 🙂 I wish you were coming to Consonance. But we are working on FilkOntario…

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