6 more weeks?

So, old Phil saw his shadow today�if it�s six more weeks of the kind of winter we�ve been having, well, I can�t complain too much. In fact, even if it snows like crazy for the next two months, I can�t complain too much. For me, the worst part of winter is definitely the dark. I went looking for the story in the paper I used to work for, and they STILL don�t have complete stories posted on the web page. (As in, they were holding out on this when I worked there. Seven years ago.)

Here�s the Punxsutawney Spirit (cute groundhog graphic!)

And while I�m at it, Phil�s got his own website.

So there ya go.

I had a list of other things I wanted to blog, but I left it in the car. Let’s see how I do from memory.

First, it was 80s Day at the school where I subbed today. I saw lots of neon, legwarmers, colored tights and side ponytails. Oh, and cut-up sweatshirts ala Flashdance.

I don’t remember ever really wearing legwarmers, but I DO remember slouch socks. Doubled for the two-color effect. And worn outside the pegged jeans. 🙂

OH…and I had a kid in class today that I taught as a 7th grader when I student taught in Buffalo. I wouldn’t have remembered him, but he remembered me! He said, “I don’t remember my teacher’s name, but he was that old guy who was really mean.” (the kid was a freshman, which means he still had this teacher, um, last year. I sure hope they remember my name a year later!)

Finally, I added a couple of blogs to my Buffalo Blogroll. Check out jennimi and warm wine. And if you are a Buffalo blogger that I don’t have blogrolled, please leave me a comment or send me an email with a link! 🙂

4 thoughts on “6 more weeks?

  1. Not only did we do the socks, I remember matching earrings to outfits, too…as in, one pink, one purple. And if you had multiple holes? Endless possibilities.

    Then of course, both those thin metal and flexible rubber bracelets; the more on your wrist, the more ‘in’ you were.

    It was a proud day when I handed both kinds over to my little sisters for dress up.

    And I don’t think I ever wore leg warmers, either. I know some people who used them during Jane Fonda sessions, but other than that, I think it was just big cities, tv and movies.

  2. E, thanks for the link! great collection of Buffalo Bloggers here. i see i have much to explore! yay! and i’m lovin’ the places you go. nice work.

    ps, my little brother teaches middle schoolers. people who teach middle schoolers should be sainted. 🙂 or at the very least, given lots of money and respect. hang in there! get some rest, and do something fun. – jennimi

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