I’m baaaaaaack…

Just returned from a weekend in PA, doing some family bonding. It was a good weekend, apart from the nasty cold. I’m doing much better today though. Not at 100% yet, but close. I’ve just got some lingering congestion, and of course the dry, itchy skin around the nose from the constant wiping and blowing. Ick.

My dress for my brother’s wedding is quite lovely. My mom is going to save me some $ by hemming the skirt for me. Oh, and I’ve just set a goal of losing 5 pounds before the wedding, because it fits, but it’s a leeeeeeeetle snug.

So other than my community college classes, I’m not working this week. These are my goals:

-Go through crap in my apartment and toss unwanted junk

-Read TC submissions

-Submit a story to Woman’s World

-Get website up

-Figure out how to do the calligraphy on my brother’s wedding invitations, which are of the all-one-piece variety. (no envelopes. they fold. typically, I make a guide sheet to stick inside the envelope, but there’s no envelope, and I’m just not excited about drawing pencil lines on every single envelope.)

-Do 1 or 2 more calligraphy samples

-Work on resumes to update my school applications

-Figure out what I’m wearing to Shannon’s bridal shower, not to mention her wedding

Ummm…if I think of anything else, I’ll let you know.

I’ve got a Big Brothers/Big Sisters event to attend with my little on Saturday…just the annual get-together. Actually, this is the first one I’ve been able to make it to! I’m sure I have more to say, but I guess that’ll do for now…

3 thoughts on “I’m baaaaaaack…

  1. Thomas, I think that’s what I’m going to do. Rand suggested the same thing. Great minds and all, eh? 😉

    Sorry to hear you’re sick, caoimhe! 🙁

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