
I haven’t actually given up anything for Lent in a while, but I decided to do something that will help me on my quest to lose 5 pounds before my brother’s wedding.

I’m giving up pop, soda, soda-pop, or for my southern friends, coke.

I tried this once in college, and I did not succeed. šŸ˜‰ But I’ve cut WAY back on my consumption of the bubbly beverage since then.

This Friday is going to be a designated “cheat day”. Jen and I are driving to Boston for Shannon’s bridal shower, and I don’t know that I’ll survive the trip without caffeine. šŸ˜‰

Also out are sugary “fruit juices”. That is, drinks that are 10% or 20% juice.

As for yesterday’s subbing adventure, it actually went exceedingly well for being a last-minute call out of my subject area with no plans. The kids, for the most part, were self-directed and worked diligently on their various projects with little prompting from me. They were friendly and helpful and didn’t give me even a tiny bit of trouble. šŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “Lent

  1. Giving up Pepsi for a couple of years (among other things) let me lose 50 pounds. So that’s a great start.

    Substitutes were Diet Doctor Pepper, and Diet Peach Snapple Iced Tea. I now drink the snapple almost exclusively, only doing Pepsi/Coke when I’m out to dinner.

    – Tony F.

  2. You can do it. You recall my Cherry Coke addiction that led to unfortunate incidents involving the mouse pad and carpet. Well, I haven’t had a sip of Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper or anything of that nature in the studio since mid November. I believe that has contributed much to losing 19 pounds to this point.

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