Crash wins

It was the only movie (nominated for any major awards) that I saw this year. So, yay. It was a very good movie. Shocking that something that came out so early in the year was the big winner.

Reese looked beautiful, and was graceful and charming. Good thing she remembered to thank Ryan, because that would not have been a good sign. 😉

Jennifer Garner…um, perhaps more support would have been in order? Yeesh.

Songs. Wow. Those were it? The best original songs in film in all of 2005?? And why, oh why, do you make us sit through them?

I might have more thoughts, but those are the main ones.

Oh, and look for a full report (with photos) on the Boston trip later!

5 thoughts on “Crash wins

  1. So Jennifer Garner tripped on her gown and almost fell … and J.Lo was in the audience, too. Eek! And what was with Garner’s forehead??? It looked all red – self-tanner gone awry, perhaps?

    Amazing that the show still ran long despite there being fewer musical numbers. Who voted for that pimp song anyway? Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” won a few years ago, and that actually made sense. But this one?! Dolly should have won, come on! Speaking of, she hasn’t had any “work” done, has she? 😉

    Jon Stewart wasn’t bad. Clooney was fun, but I was rooting for Matt Dillon. Joaquin looked annoyed.

    Interesting that all the acting awards were from different films.

  2. JG is breastfeeding, hence the extra jiggle. Although in my experience milk-filled boobies are fricking heavy, which might explain why she seemed top-heavy.

    Joaquin looked annoyed b/c I was unavailable to be his date. That’s why he sent me the secret “I love you” message when they announced his nomination.

  3. Yeah, I get that she’s breastfeeding…I’d just want my extra jiggle to be given some support, rather than being left flapping in the breeze. 😉

  4. I thought Jen looked fantastic!

    I wish I could have been so fabulous so soon after having a baby…and let’s face it, it’s hard to sqeeze those things into a tight gown. She probably felt more comfortable in this dress.

    I loved her “I do my own stunts, too” comment.

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