A little bit of…

My weeks get so busy sometimes that I don’t have a chance to write everything I think about writing. And this past week, I’ve been kept *very* busy while subbing. Extra classes and little free time, and so forth. So here are a few random and unconnected things I read about, thought about, saw or heard last week:

1. I’ve not been to the Washington Market downtown, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. However, their dreadful radio commercials make me want to tear my hair out. The copy is bad, the readings are bad, everything about them is BAD.

2. I saw this post at livejournal that really, really struck a chord with me. The basic gist of the post is that we as a culture and women in particular have a tendency to constantly measure our worth against the people around us. I know it’s something I’m guilty of…that instead of taking pride in my own accomplishments, feeling good about where I am and what I’ve done and what I can do, I compare myself to people I know. Friends and acquaintances and relatives and strangers alike. Women, I think, have a strong tendency to do this in terms of time. As in, I’m 30, and I don’t have X, Y and Z. All these other people have X, Y and Z, therefore, there must be something wrong with me.

I’ve gotten way better at this than I used to be, by the way. But every once in a while…

3. Does anyone out there have a teenage daughter? If so, please talk to me about how you deal with the teenage girl fashions. Oh, and by the way, I think I’ve figured out the sandals/flip-flops in winter phenomenon. Someone has failed to tell these children that Buffalo is not, in fact, located in southern California. 😉

I guess that’ll do it for now. Have a good one!

1 thought on “A little bit of…

  1. 1. I’ve not been to the Washington Market downtown, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. However, their dreadful radio commercials make me want to tear my hair out. The copy is bad, the readings are bad, everything about them is BAD.

    Horrid! Horrid! Commercials!

    “Sis…you are a lazy American.:

    Or something along those lines. ::shudder::

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