Confession time

Having now seen most of the Woody Allen movies featuring Diane Keaton, I have a confession to make.

I don’t really like Diane Keaton in Woody Allen movies.

It’s not that I don’t think that she’s funny, or that she shouldn’t do comedy…it’s that I find her characters in Woody Allen movies mildly irritating.

And while I’m confessing, like annabel_lee, I was not overly fond of The Graduate.

Oh, and one more…I’m just now watching The Godfather for the first time ever. (I’m about halfway through.)

4 thoughts on “Confession time

  1. Mild confession on my part. I HATED THE GRADUATE. But you know this because you were with me when we were trying to figure out why the movie was so damn great.

    How many Diane Keaton Woody Allen movies are there? And does Rand own them all? (If yes, can I borrow some from Randflix?) 😉

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