
me and LT

Lady Turpentine had a birthday party Saturday evening, which Rand and I attended. I met many of her friends and family, and a good time was had by all. πŸ™‚

I got to meet her sister, who is a teacher at a local Catholic school and reads my blog! *wave* She was very cool, and I enjoyed talking with her.

We played a few games for prizes…one of them was a “how well do you know LT quiz”. After her sister and her mom disqualified themselves, I was the winner! The spooky thing is, I guessed at a number of the questions using only “well, this is what I would pick” as a guide. πŸ˜‰

Adam came out and drew caricatures.

adam draws

This was a big hit. Rand and I declined to have ours done, since we’ve “been there, done that” quite a bit. πŸ™‚

linus and beer

LT’s kitty, Linus, discovered beer. No, kitty! That’s a bad kitty! Linus is six months old and completely adorable.

rand plays

At LT’s request, Rand played a couple of (you guessed it) Sloan songs. Then he posed for a photo:

rand and LT

Her actual day-of-birth is tomorrow, so be sure to stop by and wish her a happy day!

2 thoughts on “Party!

  1. Very nice picture of Rand and LT. I have enjoyed your blog, Erin. I appreciate Rand setting my computer to get directly into your writings and blog. I usullay check each days writings—very enjoyable and interesting. thanks

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