
I am in one, big time.

I’m feeling without direction. I’m feeling torn.

I’m feeling like I don’t want to choose a career path so much as I want one to be chosen for me.

I’m feeling less and less optimistic about my hopes of ever getting a full-time teaching job in Western New York.

I’m feeling envious of people who are having success in writing.

I’m feeling lethargic about my own writing. I’m feeling void of ideas…good ideas, anyway. I can’t convince myself that I have anything to say that’s worth saying.

I’m feeling tired. Tired of working so hard and just scraping by.


ETA: Chatting with a friend, and beginning to feel much less funk-y. Thanks!

8 thoughts on “Funk

  1. Funks suck, especially writing funks. I don’t know if you’d be interested, but Studio Arena is having a theater school open house on Oct. 14. I’m going to check it out to see if they offer anything in playwriting.

  2. Sorry to hear about the funk, but glad your friend helped get you out of it! Things -will- work out for you re: your writing. You’re too talented not to succeed.


  3. See usually I bring the funk*, not alleviate it. 😉

    I have some “out” plans tonight & tomorrow but I’ll read your story you sent ASAP.

    *’Cause I’m a brick. HAAAAWSE!

  4. Oh, you both bring the funk AND alleviate it. 😉

    And thanks, I appreciate it muchly. I hope I can return the favor at some point. *poke*

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