6 thoughts on “Lights on!

  1. Yay!! Lights are a wonderful thing! during this whole thing, I could live without he lights but it was the heat that got me the most. I wish our house had a fireplace. If it did, I would have slept in front of it until the power came back on. 🙂

  2. I had to plug my hair dryer into the generator again this morning. There’s power on across the side street, but not on my street.

    Tossed everything in the fridge and freezer, so when the power comes back up, I get to start over.

  3. Next time you see a guy trimming trees around power lines, offer to fill up his chain saw. He is your friend. When the trees are whacked back, the lines stay up. I had a good job some years ago documenting storm recovery efforts for West Penn Power. It was always the trees that did it. In St. Marys where they really whacked them, hardly anyone lost power. In Emporium where they didn’t whack them, the lights were out for days. Just my contribution to power outage talk. I have a much longer story about all this but no time to type it here. And I think your readers don’t want to hear about that anyway.

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