Bridge to Terabithia

Yeah, this is another one of those “picked it up while I was subbing” books. I never read this one as a kid, but I do remember it being a favorite of my ex-boyfriend’s.

I read the review (at amazon) from the 8th grader, and I always wonder about these…does his attitude represent that of most kids, or is he (or she) just a particularly unimaginative kid who hates to read? Hm. Anyway.

I didn’t love it. I didn’t dislike it either. It was sad. I imagine this is one of those books where I probably would have loved it if I had read it when I was in sixth grade.
I did like that the kids referenced Narnia when they were building their imaginary kingdom. I thought one of the best moments was when Leslie went to church with Jess’s family and remarked on the similarity between the Jesus story and Aslan. (Leslie’s family didn’t go to church, so she wasn’t familiar with the story when she read the Narnia books.)

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