*post title stolen from Eden and E! entertainment television
I have a bunch of stuff hanging out in my bloglines folders that must be posted. I’m in a purging mood, and I guess that goes for bloglines too. 🙂
First, I know you’re all dying to know which Lost character I am:
You scored as Claire. You are Claire! By taking your palm readers advice and flying when your 8 months pregnant you end up on the island. You have cravings for peanut butter and feel safe around Charlie, despite your dreams of being kidnapped.
Which "Lost" character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
(via impenetrable prose)
And here’s a quote I enjoyed:
“You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.”
-Ray Bradbury
And via Entertainment Weekly…could Futurama be coming back?
I would dig this. I *heart* Futurama. That dog episode (Jurassic Bark) made me bawl like a little baby.
Here’s an old Slate article on Billy Joel that made me think that Rand secretly wrote it.
All this came to a head in my freshman year of high school when I discovered Elvis Costello, who, a friend informed me, “writes songs about why people like Billy Joel are just so bad.”
And here’s another one (more recent) that’s sure to get the collective panties of the Christian right in a bunch:
What if Mary wasn’t a Virgin?
The author is a woman and an Episcopal priest.
I loved this rant at No NCLB.org:
But I know the inequities are there. I know that you can tell who will do well in school and who will fail by looking at the parents’ bank balance. I know that in my own school system most of the native kids fail to graduate high school. But I know deep down in my soul privatized is not the way.
And since I haven’t gotten around to writing about the cancellation of the West Wing yet, I give you Kelly’s post on the subject.
I own seasons 1-5 on DVD, and am currently watching season 3 with Rand. We just watched “The Women of Qumar,” which is clear proof that Allison Janney deserved her emmys. I adore Allison Janney. I haven’t really been keeping up this season, what with the whole Sunday time slot and all, but I will catch up. And I’ll be likely to tune in and see how it ends.
Finally, don’t forget to check in over at my other blog…I just finished the second Undead book and am halfway through See Jane Date. (loving it!) I’ll be posting about both soon. 🙂