Well, the morning commute was simply dreadful today. Slippery roads, low visibility, and oh…yeah…people driving like morons in the snow even though they LIVE IN BUFFALO. Seriously, people.
One of my biggest pet peeves on the road is this: people who ride the right lane from 198 onto the 33 on-ramp even though they know G-d damn well that that lane ENDS. Not only does it not get you there any faster, it MAKES TRAFFIC WORSE. What do I hate more than this? Someone who does it when the roads are slippery. Even more? When said someone is: a) driving a Mercedes, and b) talking on her cell phone. I could barely contain my rage this morning.
I had to call the school where I was working and let them know I was not going to make it in on time. Not such a big deal, as I was subbing for the librarian. (When subbing in the library, your main duty is crowd control.) When I arrived, I found that the buses had only beat me in by 5-10 minutes.
Good thing about subbing in the library today: aside from aforementioned crowd control, I had precious little to do. I spent most of the day getting addicted to Sudoku.
Bad thing about subbing in the library today: I got NO grading done.
That’s my day. Looks like I’m going to be seeing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe today. YAY!! I saw the trailer last week when we went to see Harry Potter, and it looks very cool. I also re-read the book earlier in the week in anticipation of this event. 🙂