Project 365-Darrin filming

darrin filming

Valentine’s Day barbershoppers

Valentine’s Day barbershoppers
Originally uploaded by enappe27.

I was subbing at a middle school today, and during one of my free periods toward the end of the day, I heard…singing.

I went out into the hall to see what it was, and one of the teachers was being serenaded by this barbershop quartet. It attracted quite a crowd. 😉

Hope you are all having a lovely Valentine’s Day, whether or not you’re being serenaded. 😉

Project 365-roses

Originally uploaded by enappe27.

I have to stop waiting until the sun goes down to take these photos…they look more crappy when there’s not enough light.

But anyway, here’s a photo of pretty not-quite-Valentine’s Day-flowers.


Weekend stuff

Among other things, like laundry and cleaning, I spent some time this weekend futzing around with the book blog. New template, using the default “book” header image until I come up with something better. I’m having a hard time getting the links to play nice (for some reason, they won’t divide into link categories. Is it just a problem with the template, or is there a way to fix it?), but otherwise, I’m pretty happy with the template.

I think the blog needs a new name, since I’m going for a YA focus. Unfortunately, I’m notoriously bad at naming things. Suggestions would be most welcome.

I finished reading Hey Nostradamus, but I’m not going to write about it until after the book club meeting. I also finished Anatomy of a Boyfriend (link to my review on the book blog). And of course, I read Eden’s manuscript. I should have been doing more working and less reading, but I couldn’t help myself… 😉

I continue to plug along with Project 365. I may not always post the photos on my blog, but they’ll always be there in my flickr set.

And finally, a big congratulations to my friends Mary and Rob, who welcomed a baby boy into the world last Thursday night!

Okay, I’ve got work to do. Happy Monday!

Project 365-me

Originally uploaded by enappe27.

After about 17 attempts at a self-portrait with my camera phone, I finally got one I was happy with.

The project 365 folks say to try and take at least one of these a month. Not a bad idea…and besides, photos of my stuff are going to get old really fast. 😉

Project 365-rand and ernest

rand and ernest
Originally uploaded by enappe27.

Rand’s friend Ernest was in town, so among other things, we visited Rust Belt Books. This is another one of those photos that looks better small than it does large…limitations of a camera phone and all.

I like that one stream of light that cuts across Ernest’s face.

Project 365-patriotic pig

patriotic pig

Originally uploaded by enappe27.

Seen in the classroom where I’m subbing today. As soon as I saw this, I knew I had today’s photo. 😉