Favorite photo

Today’s challenge at Create a Connection was to post your favorite photo of the year so far. I had a hard time choosing, but I think this is mine:

judi's backpack


pretty toes

My project 365 has turned into more of a project 3-4 photos a week…but I posted a few new ones today.

New photos

I posted a few new photos at flickr, including this one:

memorial banner

My cousin Scott did a fantastic job as The Baker in Into the Woods. Rand and I drove down to PA to see the show. More later!

Project 365-Judi’s backpack

judi's backpack

Saturday’s project 365 photo. I’m slowly uploading the weekend photos to flickr here.


I’m back from FKO…and I’m pretty tired right now. Here are a couple of the photos I took with my phone on Friday.

debbie and rand

Rand and Debbie

freaky effect

Sibylle, Debbie and Rand, with a bendy light trick that was a complete surprise to me.

Look for more photos tomorrow!

They asked for it

A photo of me! Whee! For Thursday–Photo Day at Create a Connection.

at my computer

Also in the project 365 set at flickr.

By the way, my ability to “blog this” seems to be broken since installing the new theme. Hrm.

Project 365-smells like spring

smells like spring

This is self-explanatory enough, but I found myself wanting to write a post around the same photo, so I’m combining them rather than doing two separate posts w/the same photo.

I do love me some Bath & Body Works. I divide the scents into spring/summer and fall/winter. Yesterday, I found myself itching to bring out the spring scents. I went into the cupboard to pull out two of my favorites–Sweet Pea and Sheer Freesia.

The bottle of Sweet Pea shower gel had…turned, I guess is the best word for it. Has this ever happened to anyone else? It had changed color and smelled funky. I threw it and the body splash away. I had bought a bunch of the Sheer Freesia creamy body wash on clearance a while back, but found myself out of lotion. Oh no! Since I was free, I went on an excursion to the mall. I came back fully replenished and ready for spring. I am willing spring to be here through the sheer power of my scent choices! I’ve had a taste, and there’s no going back. Snow on my car this morning? Feh. I refuse to acknowledge you.

My favorite fall/winter scent is Warm Vanilla Sugar. This year, I enjoyed Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, which is one of those limited edition, bring it back once or twice a year kind of scents. Some of my past favorites include Plumeria, Juniper Breeze, Vanilla Bean, and plain old Freesia. (The last two have been phased out, but I think I prefer the replacements anyway.)

I went with Sweet Pea today. 🙂

Project 365-mac ad

mac ad
Originally uploaded by enappe27.

It’s been a few days since I posted a photo. Here ya go.