Like sands through the hourglass

So this weekend, Rand and I went to PA for my cousin’s graduation party. I made him a gift, in addition to a bit of cash, of course. 😉


This, along with a couple of other new items, have been posted in  my etsy shop, although it’s probably a bit late to get any sales on it now! I also made some new bookmarks, posted to flickr, that will be posted in the shop this week. (Oh, and last week, I got a pretty new banner for my shop courtesy of etsy seller the photospot. I think it looks great!)

In addition to the graduation party, Rand and I were able to hang out with my friend Anita, who lives on the west coast. She happened to be in town visiting her parents, so yay!

anita and me

Before we left for PA, Rand and I noticed that the stuff in our refrigerator wasn’t really as cold as it should be. I turned up the temp a couple of notches, and we decided to wait until we got back to worry about it.

Sure enough, there was no improvement when we got back. We did a little bit of research, and determined that it wasn’t worth trying to have it repaired. This morning, Rand went into work a bit late so that we could go to Sears and look for a new one. It’ll be delivered tomorrow. (It’s a Kenmore, in white…nothing fancy. Because our space is limited, we didn’t really have a whole lot of options. The new one is much better than what we have, and is Energy Star rated.) In the meantime, everything perishable is either in the freezer, which is still pretty much working (not 100%, but enough), or in coolers.

So today, other than dealing with that, I’ve been cleaning up the kitchen, reading submissions for Toasted Cheese, taking care of some stuff Rand and I are selling on Amazon, and getting my car inspected. The inspection wouldn’t have been bad, but my check engine light was on, and so I had to pay for the diagnostic so they could figure out how to get it to shut off…but still, relatively painless. I’m good for another year, by which point we will probably have gotten a new car.

Hmmm…was that all? The excitement of my life knows no bounds…


I am back in WNY. Lots of post-vacation errandthings to do (like groceries and laundry). I hope to get some photos posted sometime soon.

Many thanks to everyone who wished us a happy anniversary/expressed sympathy about my grandfather’s death. Both meant a lot to me during this past week.

Rand and I brought an end to our vacation this morning with massages at Excuria–a wedding gift from Ron, Melissa, and the girls. (thank you!) I don’t know why it took us so long to use it, but it was nice to still be enjoying wedding gifts a year later!

Okay, that’s it for now. More later. Happy Friday!


I’m having a rare (for me) bout of insomnia right now. I was worried about keeping Rand awake, as he does in fact have to get up for work tomorrow. So you get a stream-of-consciousness blog post.

I was going to do a craft project, but I don’t have what I need. No 24-hour craft stores around…

It’s been a weird couple of days. My paternal grandfather passed away this morning, and I’m waiting on the finalization of plans before Rand and I head down to St. Marys. My grandfather was 93 years old, and he was relatively healthy and self-sufficient until last week, when he suffered a minor stroke. This is, of course, hard on my dad. Please keep my family in your thoughts/prayers these next few days.

Rand and I were going to be leaving tomorrow morning for an anniversary trip…our plans will have to be amended, obviously, but we’re still planning on doing something.

I can’t believe it’s almost our first anniversary.

I thought I had a bunch more stuff to say, but it appears I have run out of steam. Maybe I’ll get some sleep after all?

Strawberry cupcakes

As promised, here are the strawberry cupcakes I made last week:

strawberry cupcakes

I found the recipe at Dozen Flours.

I thought they were rather tasty. They’re “frosted” with plain whipped cream (homemade, of course!). I’ll definitely make these again!

Fresh strawberries…yum! I love this time of year. 🙂

Things I love–Johnnie Ryan soda

johnnie ryan cream soda

My newest addiction: Johnnie Ryan cream soda.

Things to love about Johnnie Ryan:

  • They’re a Niagara Falls, NY company (buy local!)
  • 100% cane sugar (no high fructose corn syrup!)
  • old-timey glass bottles

I buy it in 4-packs at Wegmans. I’ve also seen individual bottles being sold at Wilson Farms (the one at Elmwood/Auburn anyway), Amy’s Place, and Shango. I imagine there are others.

I love it. And I didn’t even know I liked cream soda. 😉

They also have cola, ginger ale, root beer, cherry, and orange. (I’ve tried cola, ginger ale, and root beer. None of them hold a candle to the cream soda, IMHO.)

Also pictured–Nutella (YUM) and a Sham-WOW! (disappointing) I bought at Target.

Thus ends my unauthorized, unsolicited ad for Johnnie Ryan sodas. 😀

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Me, in a nutshell

Trying to get through the last few days of school…entering grades, doing reports, tidying up the room, etc.

Speaking of, I sure did accumulate a lot of stuff that I have to take home.

Rand and I have been watching The Wire. We just finished the first season, and have started the second. Good stuff. More on this to come.

We will not be bringing home a kitty…as adorable and sweet as they are. For now, Rand’s dad is taking good care of them.

I’m trying not to stress out too much about next year…but it sure would be nice to know what I’m doing next year.

I bought strawberries at the farmer’s market Saturday, and made some yummy, yummy cupcakes. Promise to post pics and a link to the recipe later.

I gained three pounds this week. Bleah.

Ok, back to work for me. Happy Monday!



Someone abandoned these two adorable kitties at my in-laws’ house earlier this week. They keep animals, but they are outdoor animal people. These kitties are caged to keep the large dog from eating them. I’m not kidding.


We visited yesterday, and I am in love. I’m especially fond of the little grey one. So fond, that I am (against all better judgment) considering bringing one home.

Rand and I both have allergies…mine a little more severe than his, and so the list of rational reasons why we should absolutely positively not bring a cat into our house is quite long.
