Chuck is saved!

Ok, so this is now officially yesterday’s news, but I’m still happy about it. 😉

I *heart Chuck. In its odd little way, it helps me get that Alias fix I’ve been missing. It has a cute, nerdy lead! It has ass-kicking spy stuff! It has Adam Baldwin, whose awesomeness cannot be rivaled! It has Captain Awesome, and Gift Shop Girl from Scrubs. It has a theme song by Cake! And the finale? The finale was jaw-droppingly amazing.

Chuck is fun, clever, well-written, and genuinely emotional, and it’s definitely become one of my favorites. I look forward to its return…hopefully in a time slot where it’s not against everything the world loves (seriously…it was up against House, Dancing with the Stars, and the CBS Monday comedies. Gee, I wonder why the ratings suffered?).

So, um…get yourself some DVDs. Netflix them, whatever. Then watch Chuck when it comes back next year!

BufBloPoFo Day 10

BufBloPoFo Topic for BufBloPoFoMonique Day (Day 10)

On day ten last year, I found out about a girl named Monique who graduated from law school a year before me. She kicked cancer’s ass long enough to graduate, study for and then take the New York State Bar Exam. She passed away soon after that, cementing her status as one of my all time greatest personal heroes. I regret that I never met her, but I’m a better lawyer today because I know her story. For BufBloPoFoMonique day, tell me who inspires you. Who is your hero?

Interestingly enough, Kelly tagged me in a “Women I Admire” meme a while back. I started a draft post and never finished it. So, I guess I’ll finish it now.

Women I admire

You can click on over to flickr to read my notes.

This is, of course, not a comprehensive listing. I could (and perhaps will) add to it. Just off the top of my head…there’s Margaret Atwood, Madeline L’Engle, and Anna Quindlen. Plus, there’s a whole host of other real-life ladies I’m lucky to know. But it’s late, and I’m getting tired.

Just as a bonus…a few women I wish were real (but can still admire in their fictional form):

CJ Cragg
Buffy Summers
Sydney Bristow
Veronica Mars
Jaye from Wonderfalls

And this doesn’t even mention any men. But it’ll do. Good night!

Things I’m bored with/that are awesome

Things I’m bored with:

  • The crowd booing Simon every time he speaks on American Idol
  • Ryan Seacrest
  • Almost all of the posts on TV Squad and EW Popwatch lately
  • Almost all of the people who comment on said posts
  • Trying to make sophomores appreciate understand Julius Caesar

Things that are awesome:

  • That you can order Dr Pepper made with cane sugar (instead of HFCS) online
  • People who write hilarious reviews/recaps of Twilight
  • Pre-ordering Seanan’s book at Amazon
  • Life on Mars and Lost
  • Brian Dunkelman on My Name is Earl
  • Danny Gokey and Adam Lambert, no matter what the internet says
  • Having internet friends who will stop at Staples for you and mail you purple pens
  • The massage I got last night (if anyone needs a recommendation for a massage therapist in the area, let me know!)

Music I like (according to Pandora)

In between proctoring midterms, I spent a lot of quality time in my classroom…grading, cleaning up, and all kinds of other little classroom tasks. This allowed me to spend some quality time with my favorite Internet radio station–Pandora.

I have a bunch of stations that I listen to, but the one I keep coming back to is this one. I named it something lame, like “mellow,” and I don’t remember what artist I used to create the station. Some of my old favorites there include Carbon Leaf, KT Tunstall, the Shins, and a few others that I can’t remember right now

But what I’m most interested in are the songs and artists Pandora suggests to me based on what I like…here’s a sampling of the artists that come up regularly on this station:

Fountains of Wayne
Howie Day
Jack Johnson
Glenn Tilbrook
Turin Brakes
Jump, Little Children (I saw them live several years ago, and liked them very much…I had kind of forgotten about them until they popped up in my station!

I *love* the Travis song that keeps coming up…it’s called “Side.”

The thing about Pandora is that they are a bit limited in the song selections. It’ll play an artist, and I’ll only get two or three songs by that artist playing on my station. So, I’d be very interested in hearing whether any of you have any recommendations based on the above list. Throw ’em my way!

Here I go again


So, remember how I talked about wanting to (among other things) see Mamma Mia! (again) at Shea’s this February?

Well, yesterday Rand came home holding two tickets for the February 13 show.

And how did this fabulous turn of events come to be? Well apparently a good while back, Adam asked Rand if the two of us would like to join him and his fiancee Jolene for the show. Rand said he thought that would be swell, and Adam and Jolene gave us the tickets for Christmas. Rand, however, wanted to surprise me and waited until now to tell me–so he could be sure I didn’t make alternate plans. Or buy tickets for Mamma Mia! 😉

This will be my third time, but Rand’s first (apart from seeing the movie). Many, many thanks to Adam and Jolene for the awesome gift. Squee!

Movie meme

The movie quote meme, which I saw first at So Anyway…

1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search or other search functions.

Looks like we’ve got ’em all, folks…thanks for playing! 🙂

1. I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come you’re here at like the Gas ‘n’ Sip on a Saturday night completely alone drinking beers with no women anywhere? (Say Anything, Emma)

2. There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. (The Princess Bride, Adam Selzer, Eden)

3. That’s it? Some faceless guy rips off all your clothes, and THAT’S the sex fantasy you’ve been having since you were twelve? (When Harry Met Sally, Emma, Eden)

4. I’ve loved two women in my life. I lost one to cancer, and I lost the other ’cause I was so busy keeping my job I forgot to do my job. (The American President, Emma, Adam Selzer)

5. I mean, Led Zeppelin didn’t write tunes everybody liked. They left that to the Bee Gees. (Wayne’s World, Eden)

6. Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K. (Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Adam Selzer, Eden)

7. I’ll trade with anyone who has a Jacuzzi. (The Muppets Take Manhattan, Lyanne)

8. I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you’ll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. (The Shawshank Redemption, Amanda/pafuts)

9. This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then – explode. (Serenity, voiceofkiki)

10. I got it! You daughter’s not your daughter, and the cash that used to be the jewels is now your underwear! (Oscar, guessed correctly by mom! Yay, mom!)

11. Oh, Joel Miller, you’ve just found the marble in the oatmeal. You’re a lucky, lucky, lucky little boy. ‘Cause you know why? You get to drink from the fire hose! (UHF, Adam Selzer)

12. In fact, I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare. (So I Married an Axe Murderer, Eden, Jenn)

13. It’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting *ideas*, and *thinking*… (Beauty and the Beast, Eden, Deoris)

14. Son, if I’d only gotten to be a doctor for five minutes… now that would have been a tragedy. (Field of Dreams, Adam Selzer)

15. Please get out of my Van Halen t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up. The Wedding Singer, Adam Selzer

Happy Halloween!

This is a photo of a house I pass by on my way to work. It reminded me of a hilarious Patton Oswalt bit about Halloween in the suburbs. I wanted to find a YouTube clip, or a transcript, but I had no luck. Basically, he talks about moving from the city, where Halloween was a cutout of a pumpkin on your door, to the suburbs, where people construct elaborate disturbing gruesome scenes on their lawns. It’s really funny, I swear. 😉

In other sort of Halloween-related news, I’ve been watching the VH-1 reality show Scream Queens with Rand. Ten actresses (or in some cases, “actresses”) compete for a role in the next Saw movie. I about fell over when they said Saw 6, as I was unaware of the existence of Saw 3-5. Why are we watching this? Because one of the judges is Rand’s man-crush, James Gunn. You may know him as the guy who made Slither. Or possibly as the guy who wrote the Scooby-Doo movies. Failing that, you might know him as the guy who used to be married to Jenna Fischer (Pam on The Office).

Anyway, the show is pretty hilarious…but even better than the show is the fact that Mr. Gunn blogs about the show on MySpace. It’s fantastic.

I do have to go all feministy for a second and complain about the way all reality shows make girls look like horrible catty bee-otches. Really. I can’t stand it. Is it because we’re really like this, or because this is the way society/media want to see/portray us? Sigh. Probably a question for another time.

Enjoy your Halloween!

Ron Howard talks about the election

I can’t believe that I haven’t seen this on any of the blogs I frequent, so I have to share it myself…

Wondering who to vote for? Find out what Opie, Andy, Richie and the Fonz have to say.


See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die