Happy Halloween!

This is a photo of a house I pass by on my way to work. It reminded me of a hilarious Patton Oswalt bit about Halloween in the suburbs. I wanted to find a YouTube clip, or a transcript, but I had no luck. Basically, he talks about moving from the city, where Halloween was a cutout of a pumpkin on your door, to the suburbs, where people construct elaborate disturbing gruesome scenes on their lawns. It’s really funny, I swear. 😉

In other sort of Halloween-related news, I’ve been watching the VH-1 reality show Scream Queens with Rand. Ten actresses (or in some cases, “actresses”) compete for a role in the next Saw movie. I about fell over when they said Saw 6, as I was unaware of the existence of Saw 3-5. Why are we watching this? Because one of the judges is Rand’s man-crush, James Gunn. You may know him as the guy who made Slither. Or possibly as the guy who wrote the Scooby-Doo movies. Failing that, you might know him as the guy who used to be married to Jenna Fischer (Pam on The Office).

Anyway, the show is pretty hilarious…but even better than the show is the fact that Mr. Gunn blogs about the show on MySpace. It’s fantastic.

I do have to go all feministy for a second and complain about the way all reality shows make girls look like horrible catty bee-otches. Really. I can’t stand it. Is it because we’re really like this, or because this is the way society/media want to see/portray us? Sigh. Probably a question for another time.

Enjoy your Halloween!