I don’t wanna work

First, I want to just briefly expand on last night’s tired post. Johnny Goo! at the MIA festival! Both Jen and I had a feeling that he might show up, which is why we didn’t leave despite annoying drunkards and sore feet. He only did two songs (Black Balloon being one of them…oh, how I love the live version of Black Balloon.), but how cool is that? The Goo Goo Dolls, playing for about 150 people at an outdoor music festival. Way cool.I have a lot of respect and admiration for these guys, especially Robby Takac, for doing great things for their hometown.

Jen and I discussed what a bummer it is that our Jackdaw boys are not in on the Robby-and-Goo related local music scene. See, Jackdaw’s drummer George was the original drummer for the Goos, and if you’ve seen “Behind the Music,” you know the parting was not on the friendliest of terms…it’s really too bad.

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