I need a hero

Oh, Heroes is such a fantastic show.

This week’s episode left me speechless…and incredulous that the next new episode won’t air until APRIL 24. Noooooooooooooo!

It was cliffhanger piled on top of cliffhanger on top of cliffhanger. “Everything is bad,” I moaned at the end of the episode.

(spoilers ahead)

Mohinder is dripping blood from the ceiling! Sylar is cutting Peter’s head open! HRG is caught lying to his evil bosses! Hiro and Ando have teleported to a post-bomb New York! Peter and Nathan’s mom knows the Haitain! And she knows about Claire! And I have to wait over a month to find out what happens next? Augh!

These last two episodes have been pretty amazing, I have to say. A couple of the previous ones left me scratching my head a little…especially the Niki/Jessica-centric one. (I hate that character. So. Much.) But then…wow. I love this show. I was not prepared to love this show as much as I do.

This is torture. Rand pointed out that it was like the end of The Empire Strikes Back–like the end of a second part of a trilogy in that everything has to be, well, bad–except that in that case, viewers had to wait two years for the next installment.

Okay, so it’s not that bad. But still…

So, fellow Hero-worshippers…what do you think is going to happen next? What’s the “paper company” up to? What’s Linderman’s supersecret plan? Inquiring minds want to know!

3 thoughts on “I need a hero

  1. Well, I’d been hearing that Milo’s hair (mainly, his bangs) were a real problem for the continuity dept, so he offered to shave his head if they gave him a scar.

    Looks like he got his wish.

    I also understand that very soon, there will be only one personality left in the Niki/Jessica battle…I’m not crazy about her, but I think Ali’s doing a decent job with the character. I want more Micah and DL…gotta get my Buffy fix, any way I can.

    Speaking of…did you know the full season of Kitchen Confidential is now out on DVD? Must get. Will and Xander, together again!

  2. I’m surprised you couldn’t hear the howls from our house all the way out your way 😉 (Guess your own drowned ’em out?)

    They are Not Nice ending it where they did….

  3. No, not nice AT ALL.

    And y’know, now that you mention it…I did hear a faint howling sound. Heehee.

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