Weekend wrap-up

This weekend was pretty mellow…which believe me, is fine!

Friday night, Rand and I caught up on some TV watching. Saturday, we intended to catch a showing of The Darjeeling Limited  at the Amherst…however, when we arrived (after lunch at Brodo), we found that the 2 pm showing had been canceled due to a private event. Feh.

Went grocery shopping. We’d intended to feed our little can of change into the Coinstar machine, but found that we would have been waiting a very long time. A couple had made it to the machine ahead of time with several large vats full of change. No kidding. We decided to try again after our shopping was done, but they were still there. After having fed nearly $1000 worth of change into the machine. Mildly annoying.

Later, we watched Hot Fuzz, which we’d gotten from Netflix *months* ago. No kidding. I liked it. Probably not quite as much as I liked Shaun of the Dead, but I liked it quite a bit.

Sunday, we visited with Rand’s family and watched Ghostbusters, which David had rented for his son. Hee.

The only other notable thing about the weekend? I’ve begun having wedding stress dreams. Three nights in a row. This had better not continue until the wedding. I’ll lose my mind. In the first dream, someone had brought me my clothes, but forgot my shoes. In the second dream, we forgot the music. And in the third dream, tons of people just didn’t show up (and not, y’know…third cousins I didn’t really care about. Like my best friends didn’t show up. It was dreadful.).

So yeah. Maybe I need to step up the yoga? Meditate? Hire a wedding planner? 😉 (Kidding about that last one. I’m not hiring a wedding planner.)

Hope you all had a pleasant weekend.

4 thoughts on “Weekend wrap-up

  1. I was having stress dreams all weekend too, but not about missing your wedding. Although strange enough one was with Mary at my childhood home, getting ready for her wedding and I had nothing to wear…she told me to wear the brown dress in the closet from her wedding. Odd. Really odd.


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