Tuesday Tidbits

Curse you, NaBloPoMo…if I hadn’t made the commitment, I so would not be blogging today. I had a busy day at school, despite the fact that the kids were watching a movie. (I, on the other hand, was grading tests.)

So, moving on…

Just in case there’s anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, there’s an online petition supporting the WGA. I signed it!

One of my favorite new places to visit on the internet is The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks. It’s from a couple of weeks ago, but I particularly enjoyed this post.

There’s a bit of backstory to this, but there was an image on this post at John Scalzi’s Whatever that made me laugh out loud. If I’d been drinking something, I’d be in need of a new laptop. Oh, hey! I just remembered that I can do screenshots. Here it is:


And finally, I’ve been saving a bunch of these “quote of the day” posts that I liked for…uh…something or another. So I’m going to start throwing them here. And today’s quote is:

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

-Philip K. Dick

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