Take this job and shove it.

Argh. Frustration abounds.

I work two part-time jobs as I search for a full-time teaching jobs. My first job is 28 hours/week writing for the Catholic paper. My second job is tutoring.

When I started the tutoring job, I was averaging 10 hours a week. This was a sufficient supplement to my piddly income.

Lately, though, things have not been good…scheduling changes and no-shows have led to cancelled shifts and seriously diminished hours.

I was scheduled for 13 hours this week. I’m ending up with five.

And next week? I’m scheduled for ONE hour and a half shift. I’m hoping that this is due to the holiday, and is not going to become a recurring thing.

I can’t do this…I’m not sure what I’ll do. I don’t have enough serving experience to get a decent waitressing job. I’m not sure if I want to go back to retail, though I’m pretty sure the store would take me back.

Oh, and I contemplated selling some stuff on half.com. Turns out none of my crap is worth anything. đŸ˜‰

Anybody out there want to hire me?

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