Internet dating, Part II

Today is exactly two months since R and I met. Exciting, ain’t it?

A little bit of background…in what was a bit of a twist of events for me, I contacted him on said Internet dating site. Since I didn’t actually have an account, I did one of those little free wink/icebreaker thingies. He responded with an email telling me that it was interesting that I had contacted him, since he’d had my profile saved.

I sent him an email this morning pointing out the date, and he replied with the original email he’d sent me. He also pointed out that we went from initial email to meeting in three days.

Pretty cool, indeed… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Er, anyway. There’s something resembling a point coming here, I promise. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So we were talking this afternoon about the fact that it was unusual for me to have been the “pursuer.” My approach to online dating had pretty much been “post profile and see who responds.” Every now and then I would contact someone, usually either getting no response or exchanging a few emails and fizzling out. There was one other guy I contacted (er…because my mom found him and thought he was cute…) and actually met, but clearly that didn’t work out either.

Stick with me. Getting there.

So anyway, R told me that he has spoken to women friends who have had much more success with Internet dating when they have been the ones doing the initial contacting. He suspects that it’s because there’s an element of the woman being less worried about the man being a psycho/rapist/murderer/freak/weirdo when she’s the one who contacted him.

I don’t think I’ve ever thought of it quite like that, but it certainly seems to have worked out better for me this way! What do you think, dear readers?

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