Crazy like a Fox

I started off this week with a killer allergy attack. Sneezing, wheezing and sniffling all day Monday, with no amount of antihistamine and decongestant making a dent. Went to bed early and woke up Tuesday feeling slightly better, but for a nagging stuffy-headedness. I was concerned that I was coming down with a cold, but the fact that I’ve been feeling better (normal except for a bit of sinus pressure) yesterday and today leads me to believe that this isn’t true.

Sadly, though, the experience has left my nose resembling lizard skin. Ick.

Caught the first part of JJ Abrams’ new show Lost last night. I was intrigued, but it didn’t quite live up to the amazing reviews I’ve seen about the ‘net. I come to find that this is likely because ABC decided to split the 2-hour pilot into two parts. Those who have given the rave reviews have seen the full two hours.

Stupid asshats at ABC. Of course they showed the 2-hour premiere of the Bachelor. (with TWO bachelors! Can you believe it?!)

This IS the network that cancelled my beloved Sports Night, I remind myself.

Anyway. Lost. Interesting premise, but I wonder how long they’ll be able to keep up the deserted island/scary creature in the woods thing.

(note…Matthew Fox, aka Charlie Salinger? Yum.)

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