Ack. It’s been a busy week. I’m still behind on things I wanted to talk about LAST week. I’ll do a quick summary.
First off, I need some tips on how to deal with the attention spans of 7-year-olds. My cheerleading class at the Y is down to four girls…three 7-year-olds and a six-year-old. They’re really not bad. Cute, eager. LOTS of energy. After about 45 minutes last Friday night, I let them run around, do cartwheels, bounce on the bouncy aerobics balls, basically just burn off some energy for about ten minutes before I brought them back together to review what we’d learned and stretch. I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t figure out how to hold their attention any longer!
I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with them tonight. I thought about looking for a silly little game, a team-building type thing. Two of the little girls are best friends and completely inseparable. One of them is sort of shy, and I think needs to be brought out of her shell a bit. Any ideas?
Finished reading Neverwhere last weekend. I loved it. It was original, clever, very funny at times, very creepy at times, and I wasn’t bored for a moment. Good stuff.
Saturday night, R met a few more of my friends…we went to a little get-together at Rachel & Brian’s place. Tim and Dayna were there too. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we had to eat and run so we could make it to the John & Mary show at Nietzche’s. (John and Mary were with 10,000 Maniacs. Mary sang after Natalie Merchant went solo.) I enjoyed the show.
After spending most of Saturday lounging around, getting R hooked on Sports Night (yay!), and R getting me hooked on Six Feet Under, I went to see Jackdaw at Sportsmen’s Tavern. This was a good venue for them. It’s small, but they sounded great. The only real complaint I had was the size of the stage. There’s six guys in the band, so it was a little crowded. Poor George was stuffed into the back corner with his drums. This one ridiculously drunk guy kept coming up and “dancing” and almost running into people. At one point, I was kind of dancing, and he kept looking at me as if he was going to try and dance with me. I slowly inched away. David noticed this and laughed at me. Thanks, dude.
Tuesday, R and I went to see Carbon Leaf, also at Nietzche’s. Earlier in the day, I went to New World Record to see them play an acoustic set. It was at 3 p.m., so the “crowd” was pretty small. The guys were good natured about this and made jokes. “If you need to shop, don’t let us stop you.” 😉 But by the end of their set, the random people who were in the store had stopped to listen, and a small crowd of people (including at least one employee) had made their way over from the adjoining Spot Coffee. They played all my favorite tunes from Indian Summer (except Raise the Roof) AND my favorite song from Echo Echo.
Terry, one of the guitarists, kept noticing me singing along and smiling. At the end of the set, Barry, the lead singer, urged everyone to come over and say hi. He was talking to a couple of other die-hard fans when I left, but I smiled and said I would see them at the show that night. He remembered me at Nietzche’s, so that was pretty cool…
R very much enjoyed himself. He remarked that Terry looked about “35 percent too Nickelback” to be in the band. Hee. It’s true…he doesn’t have the same “look” as the rest of the guys. Bigger body type, long hair and a mustache. But he looks so darn happy when he’s playing that you kind of forget. And he has such a *nice* voice when he sings.
I was happy that R was impressed with my boy Carter…it sort of validates my fangirl-like worship. 😉
It was a great show. The overly loud, drunk, enthusiastic college girls from Rochester were there, and I didn’t have much patience for them.
“Crazy traaaaaaaaaaain. Play Crazy traaaaaaaaaaain! We came all the way from ROCHESTER! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! We love you BARRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!”
Do I have more to say? Probably…but I should actually, you know, work today. 😉