
Eden shared this on Google reader:

Senator Franken

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

A new Halloween costume for me?

edna-incredibles.jpg by you.

So last week, one of my students says, “Hey, I just figured out who you look like! That lady from The Incredibles!”

Um…I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it as a compliment. 😉

Still trying to keep caught up, never mind, y’know, actually getting ahead…

I’m pretty sure I had some other things to say, but they’re all escaping me at the moment. One of these days, my brain will function normally again. I’ll keep you posted.

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27 things

Hey, have you seen my little “27 things I love about Rand” countdown to our wedding? 🙂

New posts every day at erin-go-weddingblog!

How not to write a short story

Last night, I watched a random episode of Friends that TiVo kindly “suggested” for me. The episode was “The One with the List,” which (if I’m remembering correctly) was early in the second season.

Setup: Rachel and Ross have kissed. Ross has a girlfriend, but is in love with Rachel. Joey and Chandler suggest that Ross make a list of pros and cons to help him decide what to do.

Chandler has typed the list on his new laptop. Rachel sees the list (only that is something about her) and insists that they show it to her. What happened next had me laughing so hard, I was nearly crying. I took it back and watched it again, and then made Rand watch it. I don’t think he thought it was quite as funny as I did. 😉

Rachel: Chandler wrote something about me on that paper and I want to see it!
Ross: Chandler isn’t that the short story you were writing?
Rachel: Short story? And I’m in it? I want to read it!
Ross, Joey, Chandler: NO!
Joey: Why don’t you read it to her?

(this is the part that had me in tears…)

Chandler: It was summer… and it was hot. Rachel was there… A lonely grey couch…”OH LOOK!” cried Ned, and then the kingdom was his forever. The End.

Is this as funny as I think it is? I’m still laughing. I think the next line was Joey saying Chandler was the worst writer EVER. 😀

Did you know…

That Creed Bratton (that’s Creed from The Office) was the lead guitarist for The Grass Roots?

If you’re like me, and you click on the link for The Grass Roots and don’t recognize any of the song titles, hop on over to YouTube and check out some videos. I’ll bet you know them. Here’s one to get you started:

And that’s your random fact for Thursday. 😉

Stuff White People Like

So, now and then, I read the posts at Stuff White People Like. It’s amusing, and clever, but I think the title is somewhat misguided.

My hometown, for example, is chock full of white people who would be mystified by this list.

It should be called “Stuff Educated Liberal Urban Hipsters Like,” or something of that nature. I realize that  title is kind of unwieldy, so feel free to offer your suggestions. 😉

Scrabble makes everything better

I seriously don’t know what my problem is today. But this was a moment of excitement:

New Scrabble game. My first move: “intrepid” for a bingo. Rock on. 😉

100% Pittsburgh

You are 100% Pittsburgh

Great job! There’s nooooo doubt about it. You’re from Da Burgh. You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two. And GO STILLERS!

How Pittsburgh Are You
See All Our Quizzes

Although, the fact that I understand Pittsuburghese doesn’t necessarily mean I *speak* Pittsburghese. 😉

(I do, though, catch myself doing the whole “The grass needs cut” thing…)

Seen at So Anyway

Go, Johnny, Go

The Onion

Chuck Berry Remembers Call From Cousin About White Kid Playing ‘Johnny B. Goode’

WENTZVILLE, MO—In a shocking revelation that turns a half century of rock-and-roll history on its head, legendary musician Chuck Berry recalled…


Yesterday in St. Marys…

tomorrow at Allegheny.

There’s only one explanation:

President Clinton is stalking me.

