NaNo word count: 3310

My regular blog posts will probably be light and sporadic this month, what with the whole novel-writing thing going on. I’ve made a reasonable start, and I hope to keep it going! I have a good deal of other things on my mind as well…the article I need to write for TC by the 15th, the submissions for TC I need to read by the, oh, 20th? My class (for which I will soon have more papers to read and grade). Oh, and continuing to look for one of those pesky job things.

In election news? Bah. Whatever. I just want it to be over soon, so I can go on with my silly, mundane life.

I colored my hair last night…those grays were starting to get pesky. I decided to pick a different color than my normal dark auburn tendencies and went for the dark brown. Darkest brown, to be precise.

They weren’t kidding.

I know it will fade to a reasonable shade within a few days, but right now? Wow. It is dark.

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