Honoring a soldier

Tuesday night, I had the opportunity to attend a dinner honoring Rand’s brother David. David was awarded New York State’s Consipicous Service Cross for his service in Iraq.

There were news cameras everywhere. All of the Buffalo and Rochester stations came out to cover it. The best Buffalo coverage was, by far, on Channel 2. (Go here to see the report)

I’ve only recently had the opportunity to get to know David, but it’s difficult for me to reconcile the warm and incredibly funny man that I’ve met with the soldier Time magazine wrote about back in November.

Thomas has a wonderful post up at his blog, talking about David. He’s also posted the article that appeared in yesterday’s Buffalo News.

Oh, and a side note about the dinner…David’s 5-year-old son could not have been cuter. It was like he received special instruction on how to be cute on TV. Adorable. šŸ˜‰

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