Ookla the Mok vs. Evil

So, as many of you probably know, I’m married to half of the nerd-rock band Ookla the Mok. And as you may have heard by now, Ookla has a brand new CD out! It’s called vs. Evil, and it’s chock full of songs about supervillains and mad scientists. The totally fantabulous cover art is by Art Baltazar, creator of (among other things) Tiny Titans.


Click here for complete lyrics/liner notes.

The entire album is super fun–the lyrics are funny, and the tunes cover a wide range of musical styles, including hip hop, power pop, and 80s hair metal. I’d listen to Ookla even if I wasn’t married to one of them. 😉

If you’re interested, but not sure if you want to buy, you can listen first on facebook or on soundcloud. Here’s a little taste for you:

[I can’t make the soundcloud widget work, so just click here.]

More Ookla: 

Ookla’s official website

Ookla on Facebook


Debbie Ohi

Word of the Nerd


CD Baby :: Amazon :: iTunes

Meet Seanan

I know many of you don’t need to be introduced to my dear friend Seanan McGuire, but for those of you who do…I’d like to spend some time telling you how awesome she is.

Seanan threatens to eat me

(Seanan will occasionally try to eat your face. Do not be alarmed.)

Continue reading

30 Day Challenge-Day 6

Favorite Song

Okay, this one’s just impossible…so I’m going to go with “That, For Me, Is You”  by Jim Boggia, the song Rand and I danced to at our wedding.

First Dance


Continue reading

Happy birthday Rand!

Happy birthday, baby!

Feel free to comment with birthday wishes of your own. I’ll make sure he sees them! 🙂



me and rand

cute garter


first dance

Reminder-Broadway Joe’s tonight!

Greg Klyma, Tom Bianchi, Ookla the Mok at Broadway Joe’s.

Doors at 7:30

$10 cover

Later! 🙂

Ookla/Greg Klyma show August 1

Text stolen from an email Rand sent his friends:

Sixteen years ago, Ookla the Mok performed their first live show at a bar in Buffalo called Broadway Joe’s. Ten years ago, Greg Klyma left the security of a day job and began the life of a professional touring musician. Ookla and Greg (along with friends Tom Bianchi and Sick) will celebrate these variant anniversaries by performing a show together at Broadway Joe’s on August 1.

This show will serve as CD release party for Greg’s new album, “Rust Belt Vagabond,” as well as a return for Ookla to the venue that started it all.

The Place: Broadway Joe’s
3051 Main Street (Buffalo)
http://bjoes. com/

The Date: Friday, August 1, 2008

The Time: Doors at 7:30, show at 8:00

The Price: Ten dollars at the door.

Please help us spread the word — let anyone you know who loves Greg Klyma or Ookla the Mok know about this show. While you’re at it, let anyone you know who you *think* might love Ookla the Mok or Greg Klyma know about the show as well.

And as always, thanks for the support!

27 things finished

Over at the wedding blog!

One more day…can you believe it? 🙂

A big old pile of crazy

That’s what I feel like right about now.

There is SO MUCH to do. I know there are people clamoring to hear more about the bachelorette party…and to them, I say…it was an awesomely fun evening with a bunch of awesomely fun ladies. I dressed up like a cheerleader, wore a sash, and had too many margaritas. Check out Jen’s photos (plus the few pathetic ones I took) on flickr. 😀

The weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Visited with Rand’s family on the 4th, and then I headed to PA on Saturday morning. The dress is fabulous, and is currently hanging from my curtain rod with a sheet draped over it.

I came dangerously close to ordering a new pair of shoes today. Because suddenly, I want sandals. I’m worried that my poor little toes will sweat to death inside my adorable pink suede shoes. Sigh.

Since Saturday, I’ve spent way too much money on stupid crap. Blah. I guess this is what happens.

I got my hair cut last week, and I’m not sure I like it. :-/ I went out and had my color done today, and I like that, but I’m feeling meh about the style. I’m just hoping cousin Niki can do something cute with it on Saturday.

I haven’t posted much in the way of updates on the wedding blog (I’ll have to do one final one this week), but I continue to post the 27 things I love about Rand. Do check that out if you haven’t yet!

Okay, back to the crazy for me. I’m trying to poke my head around the ‘net every now and then, but…well…


Happy Monday!

A funny

I have not seen Wanted, the new comic book movie based on the book by Mark Millar, starring Angelina Jolie and James MacAvoy, but Rand and John went to see it Friday night.

When they picked me up after the bachelorette festivities, they told me a little bit about the movie. Rand had filled me in a tiny bit on the source material, so they were telling me about some of the changes to the story.

There was one particular story element that I wasn’t quite sure I had remembered correctly. I thought perhaps I had dreamed it. So Saturday morning, I asked Rand…

Me: I can’t quite remember what you were telling me about the movie last night. There was something about a loom of…what?

Rand: Loom of Destiny.

Me: So I didn’t dream that.


27 things

Hey, have you seen my little “27 things I love about Rand” countdown to our wedding? 🙂

New posts every day at erin-go-weddingblog!