
So, I’m sure you’re all wondering how I’m doing with my goals this week…here’s an update.

-Go through crap in my apartment and toss unwanted junk
Check. I filled two big bags with garbage and started a third. I can’t believe how much crap I have. I also filled a big bag with clothes I’m getting rid of.

-Read TC submissions
Some…I’ve got more to do, but I have until the end of the weekend…

-Submit a story to Woman’s World
Um, check. I hope it was ready, because it’s in the mail…

-Get website up
Partial check. I sat with the most excellent Thomas yesterday, who directed me to some software that’s MUCH easier to use than what I was trying to use. He’s supposed to be getting me some other stuff (including a graphics program!) which will be a big help. He gave me a quick tutorial, and here’s what I’ve come up with to start:
educating erin

So far, I’ve been unable to figure out how to put the copyright and contact info further down on the page. The only link that works right now is the blog one…I need to explore and find a template I like. So there ya go. There will be more links and stuff in the future, as I figure out what I’m doing. 😉

-Figure out how to do the calligraphy on my brother’s wedding invitations, which are of the all-one-piece variety.
Well, partially there.

-Do 1 or 2 more calligraphy samples
Did one. 🙂 Right now, they’re on my flickr account, visible to friends. Eden and Stephanie, happy gifts are on their way to you!

-Work on resumes to update my school applications
Got a good start on this. I mailed 11 resumes today. I’m going to keep sending them on a weekly basis.

-Figure out what I’m wearing to Shannon’s bridal shower, not to mention her wedding
Um. I’ll find something suitable in my closet for the shower. And I have time on the wedding…I hate shopping. Except when I find 3 sweaters on clearance at Kaufmanns for $20. (that’s $20 total.)


Happy Friday, everyone!

5 thoughts on “Goals

  1. Also, you could create the copyright & contact info as a graphic, and then set its alignment to the bottom of the page. Actually I think I have mine aligned right, with just enough linebreak tags to move it down some.

    I’ve been *really* happy with Macromedia Dreamweaver for web page creation, and Macromedia Fireworks for graphics creation. (They work well together.) Though nothing’s as powerful for graphics as Photoshop.

    Feel free to steal ideas from me. I’ve been stealing from everyone else. 🙂

  2. I like tables too.

    Anyway, thanks for the calligraphy. I will be sharing on the blog when it arrives. I assume you mean a different Stephanie, another in your harem of Stephanies, and not that you sent me two 😉

  3. With regards to your web site name, I keep thinking of that movie “Educating Rita!” I never actually saw it, but I know Michael Caine was in it – seemed like it was always listed in the little HBO guide they used to mail subscribers in the early 80s.

  4. Have you ever tried out 43things.com?

    It lets you create a list much like the one you have here, plus you get to see other people who are doing or have done the same things as you.

    Here’s my blog’s page regarding My 43 Things for 2006, including getting another website up and getting a job. Sorry, but figuring out what I’m wearing to Shannon’s bridal shower and wedding didn’t make my list.

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