Weekend update


I posted about my weekend, did not get any indication that there was any problem with my post, but it seems to have disappeared.

If it wasn’t such a gigantic pain in my butt, I would be seriously considering buying another domain name and moving this blog over to my own server.

Did I mention that I hate blogger?

Oops. Theryn was right. Here’s the afore-mentioned post.*

Friday night, I served as Jen’s bus to Rochester. I overheard the words “Dinosaur Barbecue”, which sounded much more appealing than cereal in my PJs. 🙂

Side note…the more time Jen spends in Rochester, the more time she spends at X’s old haunts; places like The Old Toad and McGregor’s. I kinda hope she runs into him. I want her to claim the case of beer he owes her.

Hmmm…Saturday, attended the annual Big Brothers/Big Sisters party. This was my first one…they’ve always been at inconvenient times for me. Out-of-town weekends, class evenings, etc. It was nice. A Chinese New Year theme (I didn’t know you were supposed to dress for the theme…), food, entertainment and awards.

When I decided to become a big sister, I had been hoping for the kind of relationship my aunt has with her little…they’ve remained close as she’s grown up, gotten married, had children of her own, and they still talk frequently and get together whenever they can. I don’t know that I’m ever going to have that with my little, but I’m okay with that now. I’m still proud to be a part of the program, and I will be there for her for as long as she wants/needs me to be.

As I looked around, and watched the slide show from theh past year’s events, it made me kind of sad to notice the lack of men in the program. There were a lot of boys with big sisters. Guys in WNY: become a big brother! Seriously.

They took photos, but they don’t appear to be up on the site yet.

After that, I talked to my mom and read a whole bunch.

Today, I’m waiting around to pick Rand up at the airport. He’s been off visiting his parents, and I’m *really* looking forward to seeing him!

*Blogger is still annoying.

4 thoughts on “Weekend update

  1. I overheard the words “Dinosaur Barbecue”, which sounded much more appealing than cereal in my PJs.

    How’d you get cereal in your PJs? (baDUM bump.)

    As to blogger: start posting on livejournal instead. 😉

    (To quote a friend: come to the dark side. We have cookies.)

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