
I just watched The West Wing, which I hadn’t watched since the live debate episode.

I actually thought it was very well done…this may not be Sorkin’s show anymore, but it has become compelling television again.

I don’t think I knew that Bruno was back, though working for the Vinick campaign.

The whole time, I kept thinking about how impossible it would be for a new or casual viewer to keep up. This show had a large cast before, and it’s at least doubled with the campaigns. Yikes.

Anyway, the thing that made me squeal like the little fangirl I am was the sight of Sam Seaborn in the previews!!! I’d read that he was coming back for the end, but seeing him just made my little heart smile.

Also coming back are Danny, Amy, Joey Lucas, and Ainsley Hayes.

But Sam! Oh, happy dance…

‘Course, all this joy is dampened with the knowledge that Leo’s funeral is also coming up…

2 thoughts on “Squee!

  1. Frakkin’ local NBC affiliate.

    All new shows were pre-empted for a TELEATHON!

    So, no WW, no D’Ononfrio. I am seriously peeved.

  2. When I saw Rob Lowe’s face in the previews, I thought of you. I knew you would be happy to see that. Since we have no control over events in this matter, I guess all we can do is enjoy the last episodes as best we can. I was happy to see that Donna and Josh are finally… I don’t know what they are doing but at least they are doing it.

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