Things I learned today

If someone starts a statement with the words, “I’m not a racist, but…”, you can be pretty sure that the next thing out of their mouth will be offensive.

I didn’t know this person all that well, and I had to gracefully remove myself from the conversation before it went any further.

Why don’t people think before they talk?

3 thoughts on “Things I learned today

  1. There’s a George Carlin bit where he talks about ridiclous PC phrases like “just happens to be” and “openly.” It goes kind of like this:

    “People say they have a friend who just happens to be black. ‘He happens to be black?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘His parents were black?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘And they fucked?’ ‘Yes.’ See, it would be more interesting if he just happened to be white. Another one is ‘openly.’ ‘Openly gay. He’s openly gay.’ And ‘openly’ only applies to ‘gay.’ Nobody says, ‘He’s openly black.’ Who’s openly black? Louis Farakkan is openly black. Colin Powell is openly white. He just happens to be black.”

    I love that.

    That is all.

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