My top ten most mystifying fashion trends

10. Skirts/dresses worn over jeans
9. Short skirts with 3/4 length tights or leggings
8. Gaucho pants
7. Sparkly purses
6. UGG boots
5. Pants with words on the butt
4. Collars up
3. The shrug
2. The cropped hoodie (cousin of the shrug)
1. Anyone over the age of 25 trying to pull off any of the above!

12 thoughts on “My top ten most mystifying fashion trends

  1. Oh no! I disagree…

    I see no problem with UGG boots, except the $$$.

    I always wear short shirts with leggings. It’s called, I like wearing sjirts but I live in Buffalo!

    And I own a shrug. And I would buy the right pair of gaucho pants (see porevious post where you hated gaucho pants πŸ™‚

    And everything eles I think maybe the age of 21 applies. I don’t mind kids with annoying sparkly purses or cropped hoodies or collars up. BUT anyone my age? But 40 somethings? Eh…maybe not.

    Agree to disagree, that is what makes fashion so wonderful. *And I have a fashion do/don’t post in my head from this morning I still didn’t get to!”

  2. Your post kind of reminds me of this legendary Simpsons quote.
    “So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickle, and in those days, nickles had pictures of bumblebees on them. “Give me five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have any white onions, because of the war; the only thing you can get was those big yellow ones.”
    Fashions change, trends change, I doubt that “kids” think coca cola polo shirts and bon jovi t-shirts kicks ass

  3. Holy shit erase that last comment for typos!

    Typos are NEVER in style.

    “I think I see a strange thing…mystifying…”


  4. This list cracks me up. I agree w/ everything.

    What is with the sparkly purses? I’ve only seen soccer moms carrying them, which makes them all the more hideous.

  5. My 29 year old wife is all over the gaucho pants, I’ll let her know she’s out of touch. I didn’t know until I came here.

    I’m the anti-hipster

  6. Maybe it’s the rest of us who are out of touch…my point is, I just don’t care if I’m out of touch. πŸ˜‰

  7. Leg warmers!

    Another trend seems to be wearing full-length track pants when working out at the gym – WHY?! I mean, they look ok (on most people), but don’t they get too hot?

  8. Hmm Collar up. Well it keeps my neck warm. Besides I only do it with my Black jean Jacket. James Dean πŸ™‚

    Words on the Butt.I work with a Girl who wears “Lucky ” on her Butt.

    If this were 20 years ago, I’d ask : Is it like Aladdins Lamp? If I rub it real nice can I make a wish?

    Yep I’d be up in the “Chair” watching the ” Harassment Video”

  9. What about stirrup pants??? I would have put them on the list long before shrugs and ugg boots! In response to the comment about people wearing track pants to the gym…who cares??? Maybe, just maybe those people aren’t comfortable flashing their untoned legs…or maybe they are trying to sweat more to burn off more calories…but I surely wouldn’t consider track pants at the gym a mystifying fashion trend–but everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.

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