Birthday fun

So yesterday, Rand and I spent the day at Darien Lake. It had probably been ten years since I’d been on a roller coaster, and I *heart* roller coasters. 🙂

Yesterday was the perfect day to go. It wasn’t too hot, and the park wasn’t very crowded.

The first thing we rode was the Ride of Steel.

Exceeding speeds of 70 mph, it climbs a 208-foot lift hill, and then comes screaming down – at a 70 degree angle!

I have to say, this might not have been the best thing for me to start with. As we climbed up the first hill, I got increasingly nervous. I closed my eyes on the way down. I really thought I might die. 😉

Perhaps I should have started with the Viper? The Viper, incidentally, is the first rollercoaster I ever went on. My girl scout troop went to Darien Lake when I was 11 or 12. I was a little nervous, but I ended up riding it multiple times that day.

We did ride the Viper, which was good, but sort of a let-down after the Ride of Steel. 😉

For me, though, the winner of the day was the Mind Eraser. I’d never been on a suspended coaster before, and wow, was it fun. Rand told me I “giggled like a schoolgirl” the entire time. I think part of the thrill is not being able to see what was coming.

We did some other rides, of course, but the coasters are always the highlights for me. We also played a few games and ate a bunch of food that was bad for us.

Before we left, Jen told me to take lots of pictures…well, I did bring the camera, but at the last minute, I decided not to bring my purse into the park. I wouldn’t have been able to take it on most of the rides, and I don’t like leaving it behind while I’m riding.

We did duck into a photo booth right before we left, though. I’ll try and get those scanned soon. 🙂

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