Is civilization doomed?

So I saw this incredibly time-sucking website listing the reasons why civilization is doomed.

I thought about posting a couple of my own, and then thought, nah, I’ll just post ’em here.

There are a lot of humorous answers (Paris Hilton), a lot of serious answers (the cult of anti-intellectualism), and a lot of opposing viewpoint answers (people believe in creationism! vs. people believe in evolution!). It’s interesting, but it’s WAY long. And it’s only up to #1436.

So here are a few of mine:

  • One of the posters listed abstinence education. I’m going to go out on a limb and believe that he/she meant abstinence-only education. Abstinence education is fine. Abstinence-only education is dangerous.
  • How about the fact that I can’t buy a soft drink in this country that is made with sugar. High fructose corn syrup is the “natural” sweetener. And of course, aspartame will kill me. The jury’s still out on Splenda.
  • The lack of decent, affordable health care for all Americans.
  • For all of the political rhetoric surrounding our educational system, hardly anyone cares whether or not kids are actually learning anything.

I’m sure I could think of a million more…but what would you add?

ETA: My link was broken, but it’s fixed now! 

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