We love to make your bed

Has anyone out there had any experience with Lockport Mattress Company? Bought a bed there, love it, hate it?

And semi-related, let’s talk pillows. I’m a side/occasionally back/sometimes wake up on my stomach even though that’s bad-sleeper. I have chronic neck and shoulder pain. Also, I have a pretty severe dust mite allergy. I stopped sleeping on two pillows when I bought new ones, but the new pillow didn’t seem to be doing it for me.

I bought this pillow, the Allergy Luxe with down alternative fill. I’ve slept on it two nights now, and while it does seem better, it just doesn’t seem like quite enough pillow. Is it just because I’m used to sleeping on thicker, firmer pillows?

Last night, I took the advice I read on some website and placed a rolled-up towel inside my pillowcase (underneath the pillow) to help support my neck.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? I’d love to hear them.

4 thoughts on “We love to make your bed

  1. 1. OOOOH MATTRESS TALK! Impressive! 🙂

    2. I am now hearing that terrible jingle, that woman’s voce. “We love to make your bed.” Arugh!

    3. Lil Brother sells miracly water pillows (ok, no the name I would check withhim) at the office for I think $25-$30. THEY ARE AMAZING. (Not that I have one, yet, but they feel amazing…)

  2. Maybe I need to further investigate the pillows sold by Lil Brother…I thought they were more than that. 🙂

    And I know, that jingle is dreadful. 😛

  3. Once every few years I used to buy a pillow. Out of necessity. They would go flat, make me sick, come out of the washer funny-shaped or have to be doubled over for semi-comfort. My husband talked me into buying a “good” pillow. Apparently the $10 one from Walmart is not “good” enough. What? At least I didn’t get the $5 one. Again. Okay, I bought a $5 one once, but it only lasted 6 months- I mean, I kept it for a year, but that last 6 months was painful. Interestingly, the $10 one didn’t last 6 months. What does it all mean?
    Anyway, about a year ago, he talked me into spending A LOT ($200 for a standard) on a blah-blah-blah extra-firm but flexible allergen-reducing (and all of that stuff) pillow from BB&B. Without a 15% off coupon. I usually don’t even go into that store without that Sunday-paper coupon. We both picked out one, he got a medium even though I told him to get firm and flexible. I never thought I’d spend that much on a pillow. I be po’ folk. But… there may be something to be said for the amount you spend because that bad-boy still looks like brand new, it’s everything they said it was, firm, flexible, allergen-reducing, etc. I’ve never felt better and I don’t wake up with a stiff neck, sniffles or a scratchy throat (unless I have a cold- then those symptoms are legit).
    Now, when my alarm goes off, my husband whispers, “Time to get up, honey.” And makes sure I get up on time. Not because he’s sweet. Not out of love, nor concern. He wakes me up to get me out of bed and then he rolls over onto my pillow. Periodically, I’ve awakened to find his face near/close-to/or on top of mine– all for the pillow. He should have gotten a firm and flexible, too. Anyway, go to BB&B and try ’em out!

  4. You need a new side sleeper pillow, like the one I’ll be marketing soon. Look for it online Sleepmate pillow. It’s better than any pillow so far!!

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