Friday photos: Sloan!

Thanks to Debbie, for letting me post her photos!

patrick and chris

I finally got to see Sloan last night at Thursday at the Square. Yay for Sloan! πŸ™‚ (Debbie’s photos are not from Thursday at the Square. They’re from a show she attended with Rand before I knew either of them. There are more photos there.)

As much as I enjoy Canadian music in general, I really wasn’t familiar with Sloan until I met Rand. He bought me a copy of Pretty Together for my birthday back in 2004 and gave me a mix CD (well, two) of songs that he thought I should know. πŸ™‚

Anyway, aside from the typical annoyances of a free outdoor concert, I had a great time. They played most of their hits, and I heard most of my personal favorites…including Losing California, Everything You’ve Done Wrong, and The Rest of My Life. They also played some new tracks.

The first song they played during their encore, Sensory Deprivation, was too long and jammy for my taste…but I understand Lady Turpentine loves it. The rest of the crowd certainly did.

Overall, everyone seemed to have a great time!

I have to post this photo Debbie took of Chris, because it’s so fantastic:


I had a lot of fun seeing the guys’ personalities on stage. Even though they all write and sing, Chris definitely takes on the front man role…he’s the super-outgoing hyper one.

Oh, and here’s a link to someone on flickr who posted photos from last night.

Last night’s TATS was also the kickoff of Buffalo Old Home Week. I don’t know if I’m going to make it to any of the other events, but I encourage you to check out the schedule and try to make it to something! I did buy a t-shirt, because it’s a cause that I really want to support. Kudos to everyone who helped make Buffalo Old Home Week happen! πŸ™‚

Now, I must chain myself to the chair and write my syllabus…gah.

1 thought on “Friday photos: Sloan!

  1. How many kicks did Chris do? He does fewer each time I see him. He’s getting old. πŸ™‚ I’m glad Patrick didn’t have super-short hair for this gig (like he did for the one Rand saw with Debbie). Sucks that I was sick and missed it. Glad you finally got to see them. Sensory Deprivation rules! Andrew is a better guitar player than Jay and Patrick … and way hotter. πŸ™‚

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