Still no power

I’m working today…my classes at the university aren’t so bad, as I have individual conferences scheduled this week.

The community college, on the other hand…I’m feeling woefully underprepared, and I’m being observed at 4:30. Sigh.

I am glad, though, to be in a place with lights and heat.

This sucks so much. But at the same time, I know it’s stupid to be all “wah wah wah poor me” with so many others in worse situations than I am.

But I want to blow dry my hair. And do laundry. And cook food. (oh lord, how I wish I had a gas stove…) I want to watch TV.  And all those millions of other things that I take for granted every single day.

I’m tired of going out and hoping the power will be back on when I come home.

God, I’m crabby.

Hope the rest of you are doing better!

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