Gale Gand’s Brunch! recipe review

brunch cookbook

My friend Stephanie offered me the opportunity to receive a copy of this cookbook in return for trying a recipe and posting a review. I agreed. I mean, who doesn’t love brunch?

When I flipped through the book, there were plenty of recipes that sounded interesting to me. Since I’m not a big fan of eggs, they were mostly of the sweet variety. Ultimately, though, my love of ginger won out and I decided to try the Ginger Scones with Peaches and Cream.

I had never made scones before, so I figured it would be an adventure!


As always, I was very happy to have this at my disposal. Oh Kitchenaid mixer, what did I ever do before you?

The recipe was simple enough and easy to follow. When the time came for me to “use a biscuit or cookie cutter” to cut out the scones, I had to improvise. Luckily, I had a small round Rubbermaid container that was perfect!

scones going in the oven

The recipe said to bake for 15-20 minutes. I set the timer for 15, checked them, and left them in a little while longer. I’d say they were in for about 18 minutes.

scones fresh out of the oven

Mmmm…I found the scones themselves *very* tasty. The bits of crystallized ginger are perfect…and although the recipe didn’t call for it, I added a bit of ground ginger as well. Like I said, I love ginger.

I made the whipped cream as instructed in the recipe. It has sour cream in it, which was interesting. I found it to be somewhat like clotted cream. I had to use canned peaches rather than fresh, because fresh peaches are a little hard to come by this time of year.

ginger scones with peaches and cream

The flavors were interesting together, but as I said, these scones are very good by themselves as well!

Rand agreed. He said I could go into business selling scones. 😉

I would make these again, and look forward to trying some of the other recipes.

Happy Monday

I had a busy weekend and thus a lot to report on…but I’m feeling kinda blah right now. 😛

Quick version: Friday night, went to see Ookla’s bass player play with a cover band in North Tonawanda. Missed the first Buffalo Tweetup, but hope to make it to the next one!

Saturday, went to Club W to see our friend’s girlfriend compete in some sort of talent competition. From what we saw, she should have cleaned it up. She’s a singer-songwriter, and she rocks. Socialized at Pano’s afterwards.

Sunday, attended the “ladies who blog” brunch arranged by Jen. It was a lovely time. Hung out with Jen for a bit afterward, which was also nice…we don’t do that nearly enough! 🙂

Oh, and on Saturday, the two new pens I ordered arrived! I have pictures, and I’ll write a whole post about them soon. 😉