
1. First post up at the wedding blog.

2. Honeymoon photos have made their way from my camera to the computer, but not yet to flickr.

3. Rand just sent me this, which made me laugh…

4. DMV experience (at the ECC North location) was completely and utterly painless. Whee!

5. Wal-Mart happily gave me store credit for a miniblind I bought and decided I didn’t want, but lost the receipt for. Win! Already spent store credit.

6. Prepared chicken for dinner using a new slow cooker recipe. Cross your fingers!

Promises, promises

I had a pretty busy day yesterday. In the “taking care of business” end of things, I made it to the social security office to file the official “name change” paperwork, and my new card should arrive in 7-10 days.

I also signed the form to change my name at the bank, so they’ll be sending me a new card.

Today, I tackle the DMV. Pray for me. 😉

I also filled out one of the forms to put a wedding announcement in the paper. I decided to skip the Buffalo News, because it was too much of a hassle. (Bridal Portraits, anyone? Yeah, not for me…) I am submitting to two papers in my hometown and the Bee. I think I have to stop in at the Bee, though, because their online form is a little bit too old school…it assumes that if you’re submitting a wedding announcement, you must be 23 years old. For example, it has spaces for high school and college information, but not for graduate school or current employment. And because it’s an online form, there’s no way to add anything. Hm. Anyway.

The living room continues to be a HUGE mess, cluttered up with gifts that need to be put away, and stuff we dumped there when we arrived home from the honeymoon. Sigh. I started the laundry yesterday, but we still have a lot of that to do, too.

OH, and there’s writing thank you notes to do as well. So, my honeymoon pictures will be coming soon…and I intend to start a series of wedding-related posts over at the wedding blog too. I’d like to write down some of my thoughts while they’re still relatively fresh.

Walter is posting reception photos now. It’s so exciting, seeing them pop up! 🙂

Ok, stuff to do. Hope to be back later!