Duma Key

I finally finished Duma Key this morning. Short review? I loved this book. Love.

I want to hold it and squeeze it and call it George.

Yeah, some of Stephen King’s latest work has been less than stellar…I haven’t even read Cell…but this was King at his best. Creepy and weird and sad, and ultimately completely satisfying.

Yay for good books!

It sure is Monday…

Forgive me for quoting a 15-year-old country song as my subject line. 🙂

I have to say, the weather sure didn’t help in making me want to crawl out from under the covers this morning. I’m not going to complain about the rain, because I know we need it, but ugh. Can’t we have some nice, moderate temperatures for a little while? Is that too much to ask?

The Friday night show at Nietzche’s was fun. I did take some photos, but they’re still on my camera. I’ll get around to posting them eventually. The rest of the weekend? Not much to speak about. Mostly trying to clean up/organize/pack…meanwhile, we wait for an official closing date. Apparently the seller got her lawyer out of a Cracker Jack box. (I can’t take credit for that; it was all Rand.)

Did a bit of shopping yesterday, but it was mostly a bust. Rand bought a pair of pants and a couple of t-shirts. I didn’t buy anything. I did come home and order a few things from Chadwick’s, though, for a very reasonable price. I got $25 off my order and $5 shipping. I hope it all fits! I love shopping online, but I hate having to send things back.

I’m a little more than halfway through Duma Key. I’m enjoying it quite a bit, and regret that I don’t have larger chunks of time to devote to reading. I should be *done* by now!

I’ve got some chicken marinading for dinner, and I should probably figure out what else we’re going to have with it. Hope you’re all having a happy Monday. Later!

Oh my, so tired…

So today was my first day at my new job. It went very well, but I’m beat. Not so much because the work was so exhausting, but because I didn’t sleep very well last night, and I got up way early so that I could get in and get settled. Other than some technical issues, which will hopefully be resolved tomorrow, all is well.

Over the weekend, we saw a couple of movies. Friday night, we went out to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which I found very funny. (there was that one moment when I cried, though…darn Kristen Bell…) Saturday, we finally watched Enchanted, which has been sitting here since it was released on DVD. Squee! Loved it.

We’ve also been (re)watching the third season of Arrested Development, which is always fun.

Traded in another box of CDs for store credit…we went to Record Theatre, then to FYE with the stuff they wouldn’t take. I got a copy of Duma Key out of the deal, which I hope to find some time to read, uh, sometime.

And since I’m barely focusing at this point (seriously, I keep getting distracted by shiny things. it’s taking me way too long to finish this lame update entry), I’m going to call it a night and go do something that involves, like, zero brain cells.
