30 Day Challenge – Day 11 (redux)

A recent picture of yourself

I have new pictures! Both taken last night at my school’s prom.

Me & Heather

Me at prom

30 Day Challenge – Day 12

Where your family is from

map of italy

Both sides of my family originate in Italy. Please don’t ask me where in Italy, because I don’t know…maybe one of my relatives will see this and tell me. 😉

My great-grandparents settled in Brockway, PA…then my dad’s parents in Ridgway, and my mom’s in St. Marys. I grew up in St. Marys.* (Ridgway is about 10 miles from St. Marys.)

PA Map

*No, there isn’t an apostrophe in St. Marys, PA. I don’t know why.

St. Marys is known for being the home of Straub Beer:

And Decker’s Chapel, which I used to think held some kind of record for being the tiniest chapel, but it doesn’t:

decker's chapel

30 Day Challenge – Day 11

Recent picture of yourself

Well, this is the most recent picture of myself I can find that I’m willing to post:


(taken by Jen, on her phone)

30 Day Challenge – Day 10

Favorite outfit

I am certain I have no photos of myself in this…but lately, my favorite outfit is a pair of gray sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie.

Apart from that, I just bought this adorable little dress from Land’s End:

Er, I can’t seem to grab the image, so here’s a link.

I got in in navy blue, and last week, I wore it with a  red cardigan. Very cute. 🙂

30 Day Challenge – Day 9

Favorite flower


I love the violets, flowers of spring-
I love the message that they bring…

30 Day Challenge-Day 8

Pictures of your room

I don’t really want to take pictures of my bedroom, so instead, here are some pictures of my classroom!



Click here for the rest of the challenges.

30 Day Challenge – Day 7

Favorite TV Show


I love TV. In fact, there’s a 30-day meme going around that’s ALL TV that I might have to do when this one is finished. But in the meantime…

There are so many things to love about The West Wing. I had a hard time choosing a scene to post, but I do rather like this one where Ainsley Hayes meets the president for the first time.

I love this show. I love the writing. I love the characters, and the actors who play them. I love the blend of drama and comedy. I love everything about it.

I have lots more to say about TV, so I think I will be doing that other meme. 😉

30 Day Challenge-Day 6

Favorite Song

Okay, this one’s just impossible…so I’m going to go with “That, For Me, Is You”  by Jim Boggia, the song Rand and I danced to at our wedding.

First Dance


Continue reading

30 Day Challenge-Day 5

Favorite Food

Again, I’m not sure I can come up with a single favorite food…so I’m going to post about two of my favorite meals. These are things I will never pass up an opportunity to eat!

#1 Chicken Muglai at Taste of India (or India Gate)

I *always* have it with naan. Sometimes, I get appetizers…I especially like the paneer pakora and alu tikki. Yum…I’m getting hungry just thinking about it! Indian tea makes a great addition to the meal as well.

#2 Bulgogi (barbecued beef) at Woo Chon Korea House in Williamsville


I like to get the mandoo gui (dumplings) as an appetizer, even with all the other stuff they bring out!

30 Day Challenge-Day 4

Favorite book

wrinkle in time

While there are literally hundreds of books that I love, there is only one answer to this question. My favorite book of all time is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.

A short list of other books I love:

  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Velveteen Rabbit
  • Speak
  • The Handmaid’s Tale
  • Girlfriend in a Coma
  • The Shining