I took this with my phone last weekend at the Country Club in St. Marys. I didn’t know how cool it actually looked until now!
Cheesy goodness
The first issue of Toasted Cheese for 2008 has arrived!
People are ridiculous
It might be a mistake for me to post this, but here I go anyway…
I just logged in to get the following message on myspace:
u know we have a family here and i dont really appeciate single women contacting my husband (name omitted) and kids father-GET A LIFE AND UR OWN MAN
I would like to respond, but I think that would be an even bigger mistake than posting this here. The husband and father in question is a guy I went to high school with. (I *gasp* went to a dance with him once. When we were sophomores. Oh, and there was some harmless flirting senior year when we both had significant others away at college.)
At any rate, I’ve been out of high school for sixteen years. I don’t need this crap.
OMG we friended each other on myspace! And even sent a message! I must want to sleep with him!
For the record, sweetie, if you’ve wandered over here…I *have* a life, AND my own man, tyvm. I have zero interest in stealing yours away.
Good lord.
I h ave a million things to blog…okay, a million is probably an exaggeration, but still.
I took a bunch of pictures over the weekend that I have yet to upload. Soon.
Visiting with the family was good. It was my grandpa’s birthday, and so we had a little family get-together. My aunt and cousin who live in Maryland were there, so it was great to see them.
Of course, I left some things behind…a hairbrush, and a book that I was reading. Feh.
Also slightly annoying…I had been hoping my wedding dress would arrive before the weekend so that I could go and try it on. Alas, the bridal shop called me *yesterday* to tell me that my dress had come in. (You can read about my ongoing shoe quest over at my wedding blog, should you care about that sort of thing…) Rand and I have been plugging away at the wedding details, which I will write about in more detail over there.
We stayed up to watch the Oscars Sunday night, and I wasn’t as bored as I thought I would be. I may go into more detail, but here are the highlights (as far as I’m concerned):
- The musical numbers. Loved all of them. I haven’t seen any of the movies that had songs nominated (Enchanted, August Rush, Once), but I want to see them all!
- Jon Stewart bringing the woman who won for Once back onstage to give her acceptance speech since she was so rudely played off. Awesome.
- Diablo Cody! Whoo! She made me cry.
- Jennifer Garner being the picture of grace and style. She looked so adorably excited when Diablo Cody won.
- The cute French girl winning best actress.
- Ratatouille winning best animated feature.
Hmm…there’s probably more, but I’ve already forgotten. Sadly, I forgot all about joining Eden’s Oscar group and making picks this year. I tried to log in and do it at 8 on Sunday, but I was denied. Denied! Ah well.
Worked yesterday, and am working today. Work is good, but I’m so tired. Want sleep.
And now, I must prepare for a room full of 6th graders. Later!
Both me and Rand…we each made our own. Rand is playing the guitar in a library. I’m doing the Thriller dance. Why? Because it’s funny. 😉
Behind the cut for your viewing pleasure.
We had some technical difficulties around here yesterday. I am now upgraded to the newest version of wordpress, and things seem to be working just fine.
I’m at home in PA for a visit with the fam. Updates will resume soon. 🙂
A *great* way to start the day
My phone rang at about quarter to eight. My first thought was, “No one I know would call at this hour.”
I checked the number, and I didn’t recognize it…except for the fact that the same number had called me yesterday.
Around 8:30, the phone rang again. Same number. This time, they left a message.
The message was from an angry man telling me to stop calling him.
I was, um, confused. I called him back, to tell him that I have never called him in my life. This does not placate him at all. He says, “the only way I GOT this number is that it’s been ringing my phone for a week.”
He angrily suggests that I call the phone company (as if it’s MY fault somehow), to which I say “fine” and call Verizon.
Verizon can tell me nothing, but they offer to change my number.
Weekend wrap-up
Again, I neglected to post photos yesterday…but this post will have many photos to make up. 😉
We had a lovely time Friday night at Kelly’s goodbye concert. It was very, very kind of Jenn and Scott to open up their house for the party…see, originally, the concert was going to be at Madame Mocha’s, that cool little coffee shop on Lovejoy.
Unfortunately, about a week and a half before the show, Madame Mocha’s shut down. 🙁
Panic! But fortunately, it all worked out in the end.
The guys did two sets, and let Kelly choose the second set. The second set consisted primarily of rarely (or never!) performed Ookla songs, some dating WAY back. The Lemon-Ohs song, for example. This gave Rand and Adam a chance to tell some entertaining stories and do some seriously silly stuff.
For example, they did a super-speeded-up version of (oh no…I’ve forgotten which song it was. Rand?). The above photo is of Wolfram during that song.
Everyone seemed to have a great time. I was especially happy to see Thomas make it out, because we so seldom get to hang out!
Rand and Adam presented Kelly with a big ol’ pile of set lists and other memorabilia. Kelly collects their set lists, and she apparently said that if she ever got to 100, she was getting an Ookla tattoo. The pile of set lists included a certificate promising that the band would pay for her tattoo. 😉
Jenn also made a really cool card (with photos!) for Kelly and had everyone sign it for her.
Kelly has been a great friend to the band, and I know she will be dearly missed.
And the rest of the weekend? Nothing that terribly exciting. Maybe later. 😉
Product promotion!
I have what some might call problem skin…it’s somewhat oily, but quickly dries out if I use products that are too harsh. I’ve spent most of my adult life bouncing around from product to product to find something I like.
I first encountered Clinique skin care products through my aunt, back when I was a teenager. I liked the products then, and she proceeded to buy them for me as gifts for many years. At some point, I got away from them…probably because of my financial situation. I also had issues with the soap, which then only came in bar form and would get all slimy and gross inside the soap holder.
Recently, at a friend’s house, I saw some Clinique products, and I was reminded how much I liked them. I did some quick research and found out that the soap now comes in a liquid pump. Joy! I promptly drove myself to Macy’s and purchased the 3-step system. (when you go into the store, a specialist will work with you to determine which formula best suits your skin.)
The best part is the Dramatically Different moisturizers. I use the gel, because my skin tends to be oily. It adds moisture without making my skin feel greasy. It’s amazing.
I’ve been using my new Clinique products for a week, and I’m not even remotely joking when I say my skin looks and feels better than it has in years.
No, Clinique is not paying me for this post. 😉